Episode 87: Amy Koester from the Skokie Public Library and Courtney Sturgeon-YPC with the Illinois Holocaust Museum

This week on Inside the Skev, we were joined by Amy Koester, the Learning Experiences Manager at the Skokie Public Library. Amy supports a team of staff who develop and provide library events for all ages, hands-on learning opportunities, and information and reference services. She also works with the Civic Lab team.

We were also joined by Courtney Sturgeon, who is a fellow member with me of the Young Professional Committee at the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Courtney is a small-business owner, media relations specialist with Business Wire-A Berkshire Hathaway Company, and freelance journalist. We discussed the upcoming YPC Virtual Trivia Night which is a fundraiser for the museum that will be taking place virtually on January 21st.

Inside the Skev is a one stop shop for all things Skokie and Evanston hosted by Aaron Masliansky. Listen live on Sunday mornings at 10AM Central time on WCGO-95.9FM, 1590AM, or Facebook Live. Be the first to know about local events, new podcast episodes, real estate and the latest stories about the great people in these towns by going to http://www.skevanston.com. Sign up for the newsletter and reach out to Aaron Masliansky at aaron@skevanston.com with any questions or suggestions. Be sure to also follow Inside the Skev on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.


Episode 88: Jill Schacter-Evanston Public Library


Episode 86: Fritz Kaegi-Cook County Assessor