Episode 85: Robert Masliansky-First Class Moving & Storage
This week on Inside the Skev, we are joined we are joined by Robert Masliansky, my brother. Robert is the President of First Class Moving & Storage, which is a local, independent moving and storage company that has been in business since 2001. We discuss the history of the company, the moving industry and how it works to maintain its excellent reputation. We also discuss Robert’s connection to the community with Skokie Central Congregation and his many years as a musician and most recently as the drummer for Damaged Justice, a Metallica tribute band.

Episode 25: Lori Lippitz-The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band
This week on, “Inside the Skev” we interview Lorri Lippitz from the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band. We discuss her passion for music, Yiddish and connections to Jewish culture through music. We also discuss her goals in sustaining music and Yiddish to future generations and how children can enter this world.