Episode 20: Katherine Gotsick-The Main Dempster Mile

In this episode, we sit down Katherine Gotsick, the executive director of the Main Dempster Mile. The Main Dempster Mile is a Special Service Area for the commercial districts that currently make up the Chicago/Dempster business district and the Main Street business district. A Special Service Area (SSA) is defined by Illinois State Statute as a contiguous area within a municipality or county in which special services are provided in addition to those services provided generally throughout the municipality or county. Special services include things like landscaping, advertising, public art, and extra garbage collections. The special services are paid from revenues collected from taxes levied or imposed upon property within that area.
We discuss the amazing businesses in the area which Katherine describes as thriving unicorns, the schools, the events that take place in the area and the drive she has to promote these amazing businesses. We talk about the community and how it is such a great neighborhood. One example is how the citizens re-opened a private library when a branch library was closed, and eventually made the city take it over again. People take ownership of their neighborhood.

We also discuss the changes in property taxes for commercial business in the area. Several business owners own their property, and the increased fees are adding additional stress to their bottom lines.
The Main Dempster Mile’s office is at the Co-Lab co-working space located at 900 Chicago Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202. You can find more information about events and the businesses in the area at http://www.maindempstermile.com/. I’d like to thank several people for help with today’s show. This includes my real estate brokerage, Dreamtown Realty in Evanston for helping me with my graphics for the show. I’d like to thank Industrious in Evanston for use of their space to record follow them on Instagram at @industriousevanston. And if listening to this podcast gave you the bug to buy or sell real estate, give me a call or go to my real estate website at http://www.aaronmasliansky.com And don’t forget to subscribe! Thank you.


Episode 21: Matt Ryan-The Talking Farm


Episode 19: Ignite Gaming