Episode 22: Inside the Skokie-Mayor George Van Dusen and Trustee Karen Gray-Keeler

In this episode, we sit down with Skokie Mayor George Van Dusen and Trustee Karen Gray-Keeler. We discuss their motivation, how to become civically engaged and what new things are happening in Skokie.

Mayor Van Dusen started in government by working for congressman Sidney Yates in Michigan. You can learn more about his background in his new book, Clear it With Sid, Sidney R. Yates and Fifty Years of Presidents, Pragmatism, and Public Service. Trustee Gray-Keeler got involved in Skokie government first through volunteering at her children's schools. She then got involved in the commissions, the Caucas party and then became a Trustee. To learn more about how to join a commission, click here.

We discuss the Students' Outstanding Artist Recognition (SOAR) program, which is a way to showcase Skokie's fine art. Recently my daughter's artwork was displayed and the Mayor took a photo with her. More information on the program can be found by clicking here.

We discuss many of the great things that have recently come to Skokie, like Ignite Gaming which was recently featured on this podcast. We discuss various projects on the horizon like 8000 North and breweries coming to Skokie. We also discuss the high-tech park, the new Skokie Yellow Line station at Oakton Street, and Skokie connections to the world and its incredible diversity.

I’d like to thank several people for help with today’s show. This includes my real estate brokerage, Dreamtown Realty in Evanston for helping me with my graphics for the show.And if listening to this podcast gave you the bug to buy or sell real estate, give me a call or go to my real estate website at http://www.aaronmasliansky.com And don’t forget to subscribe! Thank you.


Episode 23: Inside the Evanston-Mayor Steve Hagerty


Episode 21: Matt Ryan-The Talking Farm