Episode 23: Inside the Evanston-Mayor Steve Hagerty

This week on, “Inside the Skev” we interview Mayor Steve Hagerty from the City of Evanston. Mayor Hagerty discusses his passion for being mayor, his triumphs, his challenges, his hopes and his passions. He also discusses new development projects in the area, both private and public like the new Robert Crown Center and the redesigned Fountain Square.

Mayor Hagerty’s background is in leading a company called Hagerty Consulting that creates plans for disasters. It is a global company based in Evanston. After speaking with several people who had been involved in government, he decided to become civically engaged and run for mayor.

We discuss the great aspects of Evanston like it’s 5 shark-free beaches, proximity to Chicago, connections to the metro area with the Metra and CTA, Northwestern University and its global companies like Rotary International. Rotary International has 1.4 million members and is based in Downtown Evanston.

Some of his visions include that we ensure that we have a vibrant and robust business community. That means smart and sensible development focus on Transit Oriented Development. He points to the Albion Development on Sherman Avenue which is a new rental community that replaces the former site of Tommy Nevin’s Pub and Prairie Moon, and the Mather Homes on Davis and Hinman. He points to close to $500 Million of commercial development in Evanston. He also thinks the library parking lot will eventually be developed.

He talks about how the City has taken the initiative to be more environmentally friendly in order to combat climate change. Part of this includes adding more bike lanes and encouraging development near mass transit. He also has made statements of Evanston’s commitment to the environment.

The Mayor talks about stepping up and get civically involved in Evanston. He said to get involved in organizations and committees. He talks about he moved to Evanston 20 years ago and didn’t know anyone. He also joined the Evanston Leadership program which will helped open his eyes that he should be involved in organization like the Chamber of Commerce. He also says you can contact him directly if you want to get involved by emailing him at shagerty@cityofevanston.org.

We discuss the Dodge and Dempster called the West End Business District area which has been led in many ways by Valle Produce which owns the shopping center at Dodge and Dempster, Temperance Brewery, Out of Space, Goldfish Swim and Erie Health Center.

Affordable housing is another topic discussed in the episode. We discuss the need for it and a new development being built on Dempster and Pitner. This development is run by Housing Opportunities for Women with 16 units. He also discusses the inclusionary housing ordinance, and the accessory dwelling units (coach houses).

Last we talk about the Robert Crown Center. A new facility is currently being built to replace the existing facility which was built in the 1970s. That building is in disrepair, heavily used and is obsolete. The new facility will have a much better Head Start program, a new branch of the Evanston Public Library, new ice rinks, an indoor running track and sports facilities. The fields will also be replaced with 250,000 square feet of turf which will greatly improve surfaces for sports teams. This will allow teams to play even instead of requiring cancellation when it rains. He expects 200,000 people to come through the new center once completed. The price of the facility is $53 Million, which is a huge investment in the community. It will be paid for with bonds and donations from the Friends of Robert Crown. They have raised $12 Million.

People can learn more about the City of Evanston by going to cityofevanston.org and sign up for the City’s weekly newsletter and the Mayor’s newsletter which goes out 5-6 times a year. He also suggests people signup for the ward newsletters.

I’d like to thank several people for help with today’s show. This includes my real estate brokerage, Dreamtown Realty in Evanston for helping me with my graphics for the show. I’d like to thank Industrious in Evanston for use of their space to record follow them on Instagram at @industriousevanston. And if listening to this podcast gave you the bug to buy or sell real estate, give me a call or go to my real estate website at http://www.aaronmasliansky.com And don’t forget to subscribe! Thank you.


Episode 24: Global Real Estate-Live from Thailand


Episode 22: Inside the Skokie-Mayor George Van Dusen and Trustee Karen Gray-Keeler