Episode 65: Lisa Degliantoni-Evanston Made and the Lisa D Show

This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Lisa Degliantoni. Lisa is the Founder and Executive Director of Evanston Made, Founder and Curator of 1100 Florence and the Host and Producer of the Lisa D Show. Evanston Made is a membership-based organization whose mission it is to promote the art community in Evanston through mentorship and connecting buyers with artists. 1100 Florence is a former Polish meat shop turn art event space where Lisa lives. The Lisa D show is a podcast now Instagram Live show that showcases the artists of Evanston. Lisa is an art and media powerhouse.

One of the main topics we discussed was the Evanston Arts Connects project. The plan is to art-bomb Evanston from May 9-June 9, 2020. The project aims to have artists create art and post in their windows, and there is a need for donation of art supplies. Inside the Skev is a partner in this project.

Inside the Skev is a one stop shop for all things Skokie and Evanston hosted by Aaron Masliansky. Be the first to know about local events, new podcast episodes, real estate and the latest stories about the great people in these towns by going to http://www.skevanston.com. Sign up for the newsletter and reach out to Aaron Masliansky at aaron@skevanston.com with any questions or suggestions. Be sure to also follow Inside the Skev on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest updates.


Episode 66: Lena Kim-niceLena & Friends


Episode 64: Patrick Keenan-Devlin-The Moran Center for Youth Advocacy