Episode 66: Lena Kim-niceLena & Friends
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Lena Kim from niceLena & Friends. niceLena & Friends is a crafts shop located at 1235 Chicago Avenue in Evanston, in the Main Dempster Mile. Lena says incredibly innovative and custom crafts including prints, candles, mugs, cards and so much more. We talk about her innovative and engaging marketing efforts including the fairy door project, crafting parties in the store and her fun social media posts. We also talk about Lena’s background as moving to America as a 10 year old from South Korea and how that has taught her to be so creative.

Episode 65: Lisa Degliantoni-Evanston Made and the Lisa D Show
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Lisa Degliantoni. Lisa is the Founder and Executive Director of Evanston Made, Founder and Curator of 1100 Florence and the Host and Producer of the Lisa D Show. Evanston Made is a membership-based organization whose mission it is to promote the art community in Evanston through mentorship and connecting buyers with artists. 1100 Florence is a former Polish meat shop turn art event space where Lisa lives. The Lisa D show is a podcast now Instagram Live show that showcases the artists of Evanston. Lisa is an art and media powerhouse.

Episode 61: Reavens Lee-SparkRaw Media
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Reavens Lee from SparkRaw Media. SparkRaw helps entrepreneurs and businesses to "videolize" the buyer's journey to close the gaps between prospects, customers, and teams without losing their authenticity. They are video experience designers. We talk about Reavens’ journey from Taiwan, her struggles with explaining the value of her work to her family and having the bravery and dedication to become a huge success. SparkRaw has also been instrumental in helping Inside the Skev with the creation of the trailer video, the video of the MWRD O’Brien Facility and the interview of TM Garret.

Episode 51: Ilene Uhlmann-JCC Chicago Jewish Film Festival
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Ilene Uhlmann who is the Director of Arts and Ideas Programming for JCC Chicago. Ilene is in charge of running the JCC Chicago Jewish Film Festival. Come see me moderate two discussions with the filmmakers during the festival; the first being, Shepherd, the Story of a Jewish Dog on March 8th, and the second being, Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations on March 15th.

Episode 42: Jenni Rook-Institute for Therapy Through the Arts
This week on, “Inside the Skev,” we sit down with Jenni Rook from the Institute for Therapy Through the Arts (ITA). ITA provides creative arts therapy for people of all ages and needs, which is an alternative to traditional therapy methods. They are based in Evanston and were established in the 1970s. Jenni is the executive director.

Episode 28: David Sutton-Sutton Studios
This week on, “Inside the Skev,” we sit down with David Sutton from Sutton Studios. David has been a photographer for many years and specializes in taking square black and white photos of people and their pets. He is also a musician and writer. He is located in Skevanston at the corner of East Prairie Road and Church Street at 3417 Church Street Evanston, IL, 60203.

Episode 14: Ellen Blum Barish-Skokie's Award Winning Writer
In this episode, we sit down with Ellen Blum Barish. Ellen is a writer, editor and author. Ellen won the 2018 Individual Artistic Excellence Award from the Skokie Arts Commission. She also heads two literary publications. They include Thread, which contains original, long-form essays, and Stitch, a monthly publication featuring 100-word essays.