Episode 61: Reavens Lee-SparkRaw Media
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Reavens Lee from SparkRaw Media. SparkRaw helps entrepreneurs and businesses to "videolize" the buyer's journey to close the gaps between prospects, customers, and teams without losing their authenticity. They are video experience designers. We talk about Reavens’ journey from Taiwan, her struggles with explaining the value of her work to her family and having the bravery and dedication to become a huge success. SparkRaw has also been instrumental in helping Inside the Skev with the creation of the trailer video, the video of the MWRD O’Brien Facility and the interview of TM Garret.

Episode 60: Michelle Friedman-Keshet and Institute for Therapy through the Arts
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Michelle Friedman, a Skokie resident and fierce advocate for individuals with disabilities. Michelle is a life coach, writer, and board member of Keshet and the Institute for Therapy through the Arts (ITA), both of whom have been featured on this show. Michelle speaks to many schools and students of her experience living with blindness. We also talk about how she and the disabled community are adapting to the world of Covid. This episode can be watched on Youtube or listened to on any podcast app or Skevanston.com

Episode 54: Stacey Masliansky-Brainlinks Academics, Inc.
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Stacey Masliansky, the President of Brainlinks Academics, Inc, and wife of Aaron Masliansky. Stacey is a licensed Reading Specialist with SLANT System Certification (Structured Language Training). She provides tutoring services to students in kindergarten through 12th grade.

Episode 50: Aaron Masliansky-Inside the Skev
This week, the 50th episode on Inside the Skev, I flip the table on myself, and take up an offer from former guest Victoria Reeves to interview me, Aaron Masliansky! In this episode, you will learn what inspired me to start Inside the Skev, my life, passions and profession.

Episode 9: Lauren Grossman-Across the Table
In this episode, we sit down with Lauren Grossman from Across the Table. Across The Table is a nonprofit organization that brings together diverse guests for group discussion over delicious food.