Episode 124: Len Joy- Dry Heat
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Len Joy, the author of the new book, Dry Heat. Dry Heat, is a crime novel about a young man who loses everything but his heart. Len is an author of several novels, a Skevanston resident and a nationally ranked triathlete and competes internationally representing the United States as part of TEAM USA.

Episode 61: Reavens Lee-SparkRaw Media
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Reavens Lee from SparkRaw Media. SparkRaw helps entrepreneurs and businesses to "videolize" the buyer's journey to close the gaps between prospects, customers, and teams without losing their authenticity. They are video experience designers. We talk about Reavens’ journey from Taiwan, her struggles with explaining the value of her work to her family and having the bravery and dedication to become a huge success. SparkRaw has also been instrumental in helping Inside the Skev with the creation of the trailer video, the video of the MWRD O’Brien Facility and the interview of TM Garret.

Episode 46: Victoria Reeves-Brassy + Intrepid and Soul Stories Live
This week, on Inside the Skev, we sit down with Victoria Reeves. Victoria is a true renaissance woman; from her one-woman show Brassy + Intrepid about her life, her monthly spoken word/sound experience Soul Stories Live at the Firehouse Grill in Evanston; teaching at Y.O.U; and her consulting work as a creativity/career coach . We explore all of these facets of her life in this fascinating conversation.

Episode 26: Nina Barrett-Bookends and Beginnings
This week on, “Inside the Skev,” we interview Nina Barrett the owner of Bookends and Beginnings. Bookends and Beginnings is an independent bookstore located in, “Bookman’s Alley,” located at 1712 Sherman Ave, Alley #1 Evanston, IL 60201. We discuss her ties to the store, why she became a bookstore owner, the book selling industry, her career in writing and her connection to Evanston. Her store is purpose driven in a personal way.

Episode 14: Ellen Blum Barish-Skokie's Award Winning Writer
In this episode, we sit down with Ellen Blum Barish. Ellen is a writer, editor and author. Ellen won the 2018 Individual Artistic Excellence Award from the Skokie Arts Commission. She also heads two literary publications. They include Thread, which contains original, long-form essays, and Stitch, a monthly publication featuring 100-word essays.